Janë një grup sëmundjesh që karakterizohen nga shkatërrimi i aparatit bazë të dhëmbit. Paraqiten me humbje të sipërfaqes së dhëmbit, formime të theksuara të qeskave
Janë një grup sëmundjesh që karakterizohen nga shkatërrimi i aparatit bazë të dhëmbit. Paraqiten me humbje të sipërfaqes së dhëmbit, formime të theksuara të qeskave
Dhembet e shendetshem pervecse permiresojne paraqitjen estetike, kontribuojne ne mireqenien e pergjithshme dhe pakesojne nderhyrjet e dentistit. Por cilat jane shkaqet themelore te problemeve te
Ka një lidhje të dukshme mes kariesit dhe konsumimit të karbohidrateve (glucideve). Këta të fundit krijojnë substratin fermentues për bakteriet e kariesit. Ky efekt negativ
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.
Having a plan in place during the COVID-19 crisis will ease your mind and, in case you become ill yourself, ensure that your loved one is cared for. Here are some ideas to consider.